Friday 7 March 2014

Research into horror film magazine posters


Whats in the posters? ;What makes them scary?
  - The posters i have researched all involve young women which from a feminists view gives the effect of vulnerable women who are seen as an easy target and also the main target. Also the majority of posters I have chosen involve the setting in a misty forest which is also the main setting in my a2 horror trailer piece. This gives the effect of a cold, dark setting which is an isolated place where no help is found. This therefore is automatically done through the settings in the picture.

Where will you find them?
You will find them in magazines, posters, on buses, and newspapers aimed at teenagers or young adults 15+
Many posters can be found online on may different media aspects. For example, the guardian which is a newspaper also have a website where you can find many different films and posters on. also other independent websites such as is another film website which informs you of different horror movies there are and which ones were the best.

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