Friday 28 March 2014

Treatment for the final trailer

A new day, its 8.30am South East London. Rita's first day at her new school, Plumstead manor, just down the road from her new house. There are school children getting off the busses and walking into the school, staring at the new girl. Rita's presence defines her innocence and enthusiasm to learning.

Her first lesson is media studies. Surrounded by a small class of careless class peers, throwing paper, making paper areoplanes, and a attention seeking girl. There is a new media teacher who started on the same day as Rita. 

He introduces himself and explains the subject outline. As a class they are asked to film a horror trailer. He shows a slasher horror trailer which the students believe is a good idea, so they urge to film something similar. 

It's a Friday night, they visit the woods to film their setting. Without parents informed, Paula's proactive self leads her deeper into the woods in urge to find signal to text her boyfriend. whilst lazy boy Zak refuses to help because he is tired and others preparing to film, there is a disturbing scream. Paula is killed and brutally stabbed.  

The students run for their life. Hearts pounding with fear. Rita is helpless, not able to drag the dead body with her. With Abdullah stressing that Rita's life is more important right now, she is distraught and scared. Zak is gone, so desperate to save his own life, a false hero. 

Rita looses Abdullah and is eventually on her own in the dark forest where no help is to be seen. Hiding with fear, sobbing with tears she is alone. She see's haunting shadows skimming past her, fearing to even blink her eyes confused about who is killer. 

The killer turns out to be the media teacher who is secretly a serial killer murdering students from different schools. However, nobody finds out until the crime scene is investigated after several bodies are found in a hidden property.   

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