Thursday 20 March 2014

Preparation for filming


A group of young adults were used to play the role of students as in a horror film convention, teenagers are seen as vulnerable and weak. The results from my target audience said that they would prefer young characters such as teenagers/adults to play the characters in a horror film.


A tripod and camera was used in terms of filming, as the trailer shows a group of students going out to film. This automatically setts the narrative.  

 Headphones and cigarette was used for the actor who was also known as the 'false hero'. He was presented stereotypically was a lazy boy who wasn't any help. This can relate to props theory as  his personality crashed with the rest of the class mates as he's not bothered and makes only little effort and avoids helping. The headphones represent his lack of concentration which builds his character, also the cigarette also represents him as a 'bad boy'. 


A Student ID card and a scarf. The student card and a scarf was used as a prop as a form of evidence which which creates a sense of mystery and builds tension within the audience. Its used to show that something has happened as there I evidence to support the idea of the mystery.


Blood. Blood was used on a white t-shirt as it would stand out. Blood is a very important aspect during the making of a horror trailer as again it automatically sets the horror genre representing fear and danger.

A mobile phone was used as a prop as this was the main reason of why the first killing had happened, (because she went to find signal). The mobile phone was used as a trigger to the scene which leaves the audience cliffhanging.  

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