Friday 8 November 2013

My example of a Pitch and a Treatment


Thirteen year old possessed twins torchering families, just like yours. Escape is impossible, stealing pure souls, slaughtering the blood from their hearts. Our morning juice they call it.


-October 2013, South London. A family of three, mum, dad and 13 year old Johnny. Its Johnny’s first day at his new school. He makes new friends, Mia and Tia the twins.  He invites them over for tea. The same Johnny’s dog dies. Mia and Tia are confused and feel extremely sorry for Johnny. Johnny’s parents couldn’t find any evidence of how their dog died, even by taking it to the vets. They assume it may have been because of his age but what they couldn’t understand is how it happened so soon. Johnny is very upset about this and doesn’t act himself.

Mia and Tia decide to cheer him up. They go for a bonfire night in the woods with his parents uninformed. They have a picnic and take lots of snacks with them. Then the twins insist on playing hide and seek, but blindfolded with their hands tied up. As its  Johnny’s turn, he’s blindfolded and his hands are tied. As they play they spin him around and make him find them. 

Suddenly Johnny feels something behind him approaching him, he tries hard to undo the knots tying his hands but its too tight. He is helpless He feels something scratching his back. He can not see anything and screams. Mia scrapes her nails into his back. Tia rips poor Johnny's chest open with her dagger like teeth. The animal like twins are evil monsters trapped in little girls bodies. They are possessed children. 

After slaughtering poor Johnny and drinking their so called 'morning juice' blood, every bit of evidence is destroyed. His flesh and bones are buried or thrown in the river. Johnny's parents are left sick and worried crying out for their one and only missing son. Police are set out to find him but he is nowhere to be seen. 

Mia and Tia come to visit the next day and ask if Johnny's okay as he didn't come into school today. Johnny's parents question the twins asking them if they had seen Johnny after school or any other information they had of him as he hasn't come home since yesterday. There response was that they had not seen him after school acting shocked and worried. 

After months of searching, for there beloved son, they still find it hard to accept that they have lost their son forever and that he will not be found. A friend of the father comes to visit, he is a priest. He looks into the story and believes that something had happened relating their dog to die and for their son to go missing. He suspects that something is doing this. 

The priest prepares rituals. The twins find this extremely disturbing as it violates their devilish spirits and so they come to haunt the parents. During the haunting of the parents, the twins prepare scary scenes in the house during late nights. The parents start to believe that the house is haunted. The priest then comes the next day and identifies whats doing this. He tells them its the twins as they find a hair ribbon in the garden. 

The priests performs other rituals to destroy the possessed spirits in the twins. The fight is difficult.  

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