Tuesday 11 February 2014

Essay on - 'Discuss the need of media regulation'

TIme allowed - 1hr
Time spent on 50 mark question - 30 mins
One side of argument completed.

In todays media lesson, we had planned and written an essay on.. 'Discuss the need of media regulation'.
I enjoyed this essay as it allowed me to express my thoughts and opinions to regulation. I stated that its not only film regulation but takes place over other media institutions such as newspapers. I had also talked about different media regulating companies such as the BBFC and the BCC and a bit about them.

We had then peer marked our exam question using a grading criteria. We had then explained what went well and what would have been better. Knowing that we had half an hour to do a 50 mark question, limited my knowledge in the question of arguing against regulation. during the second part of my essay I would have spoken about pluralists; selective filtering theory and the gratification theory and explain the exemptions of media regulation. Content, distribution and ownership.

What went well- Good use of examples of cases and theories. Opinions were expressed clearly.

Even better if- Speak more about past and future and also either side of argument.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

The film editing was done through 'Final cut pro' where we had shortened the clip. This made us realise the limit we have with time and this also taught us how to add tone cards with audio and helped our editing skills by learning how to use the programme.