Friday 24 January 2014

Mini-trailer condensed

Our trailer within the trailer is now condensed and is a reasonable length in time. This taught me that during film editing, many clips have to be shortened to create an appropriate short trailer,

Mini-trailer for Horror film trailer

After putting the clips together, we compromised to produce a final mini-trailer which we will use to start our official horror trailer with . We have used mise en abyme to reflect the post modernist theory as their theory is to play with the audiences expectations. Our official trailer will start off with a shortened version of this trailer shown above. This will therefore confuse the audience into expecting the unexpected.

Script of horror trailer

Horror Trailer

New girl
Student #1: helper
Student #2: false hero/ Jock lazy guy
Student #3: promiscuous/ flirtatious girl

Scene one:
          Mid shot of the students getting of the bus.
          Mid shot of the students entering the building.
          Establishing shot of learner building.
          Tone Card, "New School".
          Shot of the girl 'new girl' entering the building walking past people/ students playing ping pong and the ball bounces off, obstructing her way and drawing attention to her arrival. 
   Tone Card, "New Girl"
   Close up shot of the new girl holding her books, showing her intelligence. 

Scene two:
Classroom: Dialogue 
   Mid shot of the 'new girl' walking into class.
   Point of view shot of the students used to look at the 'new teacher' as he enters the room.
   Voice over "Hello I am Mr... Your new media teacher, This term we have to create a horror trailer and i have the perfect example from last year"  
   Meanwhile the camera is focusing on a point of view shot establishing and giving the audience and insight to the characters personalities. 
Student #1 - Helper/Donor Sitting quietly in a corner preparing for lesson, Looking like an outcast.
Student #2 - False hero, Scrunching up paper and throwing it in a bin as the third student is trying to get his attention. 
Student #3 - Promiscuous girl that dies first, Wearing revealing clothing sitting on the desk trying to flirt with the second student.Or a student ask to see an example. 
   Clips of a previous 'trailer' are shown, students straight away like this idea.
   Tone Card, "Same Story"

Scene three:

Woods: Dialogue 
   After the Tone Card "Same Story" The setting of the woods is introduced.
   Long shot of media media students walking into the woods holding their props e.g. cameras, tripods etc. 
   Comments from characters introducing their personalities 
   Student #3 "I have no service in this stupid place"
   As they are setting up - Student #3 "Im going to get service, this is boring" she then goes to find service alone.
   Jump cuts of her walking.
   High angle shot used to show the rest of the group when they hear a scream (setting up but they freeze as they hear her scream). 
   Jump cut is then used to show the cause (the girl bleeding, on the floor) of the scream, The promiscuous girl has been killed , close ups of the blood on the camera and all around her. 
   Student #2: False hero is shown "We need to get out of here"
   New girl "We cannot leave her"
   A montage of shots as they hear footsteps, They all panic.
   Sequential shots of handheld camera, showing the students running.
   Handheld camera from behind a tree, suggest someone is watching camera: New girl stops "We have to go back for her" Student #1: helper "We need to leave, its not safe"
Camera then turns off and the screen goes blank, leading to the title page.

Shooting schedule

After choosing our actors, we had created a shooting schedule to keep organized which included timings, locations, synopsis, characters, props and a risk assessment.

The trailer within the trailer location shots.

These are a few shots of the trailer within the trailer. The location chosen was a foggy and misty forest. This was done in a cold weather, where leaves were crunchy which creates a sense of mystery. 

Monday 13 January 2014

Prom night fact file

Film Title: Prom night

Genre:  Horror, mystery, thriller

Director: Nelson McCormick

Tag line: 'A night to die for' 

Box Office: Budget- $20,000,000 (estimated)

  • Production companies: Alliance Films, Newmarket Films, Original Film

Plot: Donna has had an unlucky past, witnessing the murders of the loved ones closest to her. 3 years on, she is making a recovery from her traumas and looking forward to a magical night with her friends and boyfriend. With the safeguard of her guardians and protection from the police she fought she was safe, however the one man who could haunt her dreams becomes a reality.
The tag line for prom night is ‘it was a memory she couldn’t forget, but her nightmare has just begun’. The tag line gives the audience a small teaser and insight as to the genre of the film. The film prom night is of the slasher genre but the character types also make it appealing to teenagers.

The main characters were played by Brittany snow, scott porter and johnathon Schaech.

Country: USA, canada

Language: English, Italian 

Release date: 11 April 2008 (USA)

Running time: 88 minutes aprox

Films that are similar: The unborn, shutter, i know what you did last summer.